YOU ARE HERE is an interactive online map, created by  Sane Energy Project, in collaboration with the Fractracker Alliance and dozens of upstate allies. The map allows users to see the big picture of the fracked gas network statewide, then zoom in on their own region, learn the current status of a project, and connect with the local group that is fighting it. The map shows hundreds of existing and proposed pipelines, compressor stations, and waste storage facilities. It offers a comprehensive, bird’s eye view that the fossil fuel industry does not provide the public.

The stand-alone website we created for the map allows the map to belong to the movement rather than one organization—we believe the movement cannot exist without the numerous people-powered community groups and organizations that make it happen.

In 2019, The You Are Here map team connected with Native Land Digital to inquire about how we can cross-reference mapping projects. The business of extraction by building fracking infrastructure is the same face of colonialism that extracts the culture, customs, philosophy, and lives of Indigenous Nations on the land represented on the You Are Here map. We invite you to visit their gorgeous and informative map, which also uses a zip code finder just like the You Are Here Map of Fracking Infrastructure.

We encourage you to learn about the Indigenous origins of the land where your local fracked gas resistance campaigns are on Turtle Island and also identify and include history in all campaigns of extractive resistance.